Car Rider Arrival
Arrival/Dismissal Changes
We have made some changes to our arrival and dismissal routines that differ from our student handbook. In order to facilitate clear communication on how these new routines and procedures will work, we have made some short video clips. Please make sure you share these videos with caregivers that may be picking up or dropping off your student.
Preschool Pick-up and Drop off: https://youtu.be/qFnf_X6wG9w
K-5 Car rider procedures: https://youtu.be/rwIVw4CXiyE
Please note that our Pre-K families, bus riders and vans will arrive and depart from the front lot. All other car riders will arrive and depart from the side lot. ALL traffic will be asked to make a RIGHT turn only, both into the lot and out of the lot. In working with the Jeffersonville Police Department, it was determined that this will ensure efficient traffic flow and help keep everyone safe. Thank you for your cooperation.
If you have questions on the new procedures after watching the videos, Send us an email and we will add it to our FAQ page: FAQ for RES new arrival/dismissal procedures
The official school day begins at 9:00 a.m. Students are not to arrive at school before 8:40 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 8:40 to 8:50 a.m. daily.
Students arriving after 9:00 a.m. should check-in at the office.
School personnel will be in the parking lot to direct traffic and ensure the safety of students during dismissal.
Dismissal is from 3:25 to 3:40 p.m.
We ask that students are picked up no later than 3:40 p.m. We understand that on occasion extenuating circumstances may arise. If you will be late picking your child up, please call the school office at 812-288-4868 so we know you are on your way.

To sign up for bus transportation, please click here.
To help your child be ready for bus transportation, please teach them the following:
- If your student misses the bus at their regular stop, do not follow the bus to the next stop and let your child walk/run beside the bus to get on. The driver cannot see the student in the danger zone, especially if it is dark and could possibly hit them as they pull away from the stop. Take your student to school.
- Make children stay at least 10 feet away from the bus until they begin to enter. Children will be able to see the driver and the driver can see them.
- If children must cross the street to the bus they should cross the street 10 feet (five giant steps) in front of the bus where they can see the driver and the driver can see them.
Warn children that, if they drop something, they should never pick it up. Instead, they should tell the driver and follow the driver’s instructions. If they bend over to pick up a dropped object, they might not be seen by the driver and could be hurt if the driver pulls away from the stop.
Remind children to look to the right before they step off the bus. Car drivers in a hurry sometimes try to sneak by the bus on the right hand side.
Teach your child to secure loose drawstrings and other objects that may get caught in the handrail or door of the bus as they are exiting.
If you meet your child at the bus stop after school, wait on the side where the child will be dropped off, not across the street. Children can be so excited at seeing you after school that they may dash across the street and forget the safety rules.

Bike riders are dismissed with walkers and are asked to walk bikes to the far end of the sidewalk before getting on to ride home. All walkers and bike riders will be dismissed and walked to the edge of the property toward the Riverside subdivision by school personnel. Walkers may not enter cars on the street. These students should be designated car riders. Students are expected to maintain appropriate behavior from the school building to their home. Walkers and bike riders are directed to go straight home. We ask all students to respect school property and that of our neighbors. Please don’t litter on the way home from school.

Youth Link operates a before and after school program for students who need childcare. For more information, click here.