Riverside Elementary
Riverside Elementary Logo

Sunday NEWS September 24,2023

September 24,2023

This is the last week of Quarter 1.  Please check with your student and their Powerschool account to see if there are any missing grades.  If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.  All missing assignments should be turned in no later than Wednesday this week.  All grades will be finalized by Friday.  Final grades will be available over fall break and report cards sent home the first week in October.


We have been recognizing classrooms this past week for days of perfect attendance.  Please be sure your child is at school every day and on time!  When they miss school, they miss out on part of their education.  Thank you for all your efforts to get them here.  We appreciate you!


Fall Break is October 2 through October 6.  We will return to school on Oct. 9.  There will be no Sunday parent email on Sunday, October 1.  The next parent email will be Sunday, October 8.  Have a safe Fall Break!


Girls’ Basketball

Try-outs will be Monday, September 25 and Tuesday, September 26 until 4:30.  Try-outs are closed to parents.  Students will know whether they made the team on Tuesday after try-outs and players will receive practice and game schedules as well.  Practices will be held for those that make the team on Wednesday and Thursday this week until 5PM.


Picture Day will be November 3. Retakes are scheduled for December 1.


PTO News

PTO is having a spirit wear sale which will end TODAY, Sunday, Sept. 24.  Here is the link to order:  https://323ink.chipply.com/RES47130/?fbclid=IwAR3lO1cyZAM-7tPtUYD4FvRNwxrkQQocVtlNuscFMn0TIYp16D_N3JCIiFM_aem_AUtEya1SeFTDFBKLN3dC2XFwdCL1slYA60HO496e5RvAGJg74ykc71t7P_BMBPb4ptU.  PTO will be hosting a Fall Festival on Thursday, September 28 from 5:30-7:30. The fall festival is free.  There will be some concessions which will require cash.  We hope you will be able to come join the fun!


Student Handbook

Please review the student handbook with your child.

RES – APPROVED 23-24.pdf

Student Rights and Responsibilities 2023-2024.pdf


Upcoming Events:

Monday, Sept. 25-Girls Basketball Try outs  til 4:30 (Chess is cancelled for today)

Tuesday, Sept. 26- Girls Basketball Try outs til 4:30

Wednesday, Sept. 27- Girls Basketball practice til 4:30,  Chess Club til 4:30; Cheer try-outs til 4:30

Thursday, Sept. 28- 1st grade Field Trip, Girls Basketball practice til 4:30, Fall Festival 5:30-7:30

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